Merveilles Town 🌿
"Revel in the marvels of the universe. We are a collective of forward-thinking individuals who strive to better ourselves and our surroundings through constant creation. We express ourselves through music, art, games, and writing. We also put great value in play. A warm welcome to any like-minded people who feel these ideals resonate with them."
Instance Values
- A demand for technology and society to re-center around sustainability, longevity, and balance with an emphasis on renewable energy.
- A focus on decentralization, community activism, social justice, and civic empowerment.
- A recognition that economic, social, and ecological injustices are all deeply interconnected.
The three gates of speech
Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates.
- At the first gate, ask yourself, is it true.
- At the second gate ask, is it necessary.
- At the third gate ask, is it kind.
This is the full 🔗 Code of Conduct
Created Friday 27 May 2022
Last updated Monday 30 May 2022